Affiliate Disclosure Statement

In the interests of transparency, we want to be super clear about how we earn money from this website.

Most of our income comes from the use of affiliate links. When someone clicks on one of these links and makes a purchase, we may receive a commission. That’s how affiliate marketing works.

Some people abuse affiliate marketing. That’s just the unfortunate nature of the Internet.

But, some of the world’s biggest brands – such as Amazon – use it to great effect. Comparison websites use affiliate marketing too. They have commercial agreements with all the brands that they feature.

We always strive to be as impartial as possible. If we don’t like something, we’ll tell you. But we only include products and services that we believe will be an awesome asset to your digital émigré journey. They are usually the same ones that we use ourselves.

Will it cost me more?

No, never.

The price of anything bought through affiliate links would be exactly the same as what you’d pay without them. This income just helps to support the site. We need your support to continue to bring you important information on starting a digital-first lifestyle, emigrating to the EU and gaining citizenship in various countries. 

We value your support

Our main goal is to create a valuable informational resource for you. But maintaining a site like this isn’t free – it costs money. We’d be extremely grateful if you purchased your émigré-related products and services through links on this site. Sometimes, these links even include nice discounts for you.

Thank you! We appreciate your support.